
The holidays are here, everyone! Whether you're looking for a present for yourself or for that special board gamer in your life-- you can find the perfect gift AND support an indie publisher at the same time, by choosing a Resonym game! We've made two different...

It's official: Gen Con this year is only happening online. Every year we go to Gen Con, the biggest card and board game convention in the country, to meet hundreds of thousands of gamers and industry professionals and introduce them to our games. We love...

This weekend (7/24-7/26/2020) we are hosting the first ever Resonym Indie Creator Spotlight Stream. We are teaming up with other indie game publishers, designers, and streamers to show off their work! Mary, Rachel, and Max will be interviewing them about themselves and their creations, as...

July 17, 2020. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Max Seidman Phone: (603) 727-6633 Email: Resonym Creates Card Game About Diverse Surrealist Artists Resonym announces Surrealist Dinner Party, a card game featuring Surrealist artists, writers, and musicians The game emphasizes diversity by featuring a majority of women Surrealists, several transgender...

Continue your work for Operation Clean from the comfort of your home! Our game designer, Max Seidman, has put our game Mechanica up on Tabletop Simulator. During the age of Covid-19, we have more free time on our hands but also fewer friends that we can...

Resonym's CEO, Mary Flanagan, recently sat down with curator, writer, and researcher José Luis de Vicente, to talk about the effect that virtual spaces have on culture, particularly during the current pandemic. They discuss how video game players are often culturally pressured into feeling guilty...

I am thrilled to announce the release of a new adult party game from Resonym, Clowns Applaud Insanity! It's a raunchy black and white card game of irreverent humor—you may have played games like it before. We're proud of the hilarious 238 new cards that...

Part of the fun of Visitor in Blackwood Grove is making up your own Pass Rules like "things that contain liquid" or "things that are hotter than room temperature," but for new players, and sometimes even seasoned Agents, making up a Pass Rule can be...