Where can I get the game?
VISITOR is available to purchase on
Amazon and at select Target stores!
What are the plastic card stands for?
The Kickstarter edition of the game comes with 7 black and 7 blue plastic cards stands. These are optional components, and can be used to hold the Agent’s face down cards (black stands) and the Kid’s face down cards (blue stands) in a 3 player game. This way, each player can see all of her hidden cards at once without having to peek at them and remember what’s on them!
Can I read the instructions?
You can download and read the instructions
What is the little blue Visitor marker for?
The Agents’ and the Kids’ markers are for marking their face down cards (so they know which ones they can peek at). The Visitor doesn’t have any face-down cards of her own. Her marker is for if you want to randomly decide who will play each role! Simply turn 1 of each marker face down, shuffle them around, and have each player choose one to determine her role in the game.
What happens when the Visitor runs out of cards?
On the Visitor’s turn she always classifies a card from her hand (sometimes face up, sometimes face down). When she does not have any cards in her hand at the start of her turn, the game is over and all agents win collectively.
Who chooses where on/off the board to put face up cards?
When a card is classified face up, it is put in the next available space on the board (if it’s admitted) or off the board (if it’s repelled). If all of the spaces in that location are filled, it goes in the next space with the fewest cards in it, covering over all cards that are currently in that space. Nobody chooses so that the Visitor cannot use which cards get covered as a way to give hints.
What happens if the Visitor cannot decide whether an object is admitted or repelled?
She must decide. Sometimes it’s hard, and that’s an important part of the game. The Visitor may tell the players that the card is hard to classify before making a decision, but if she does so, she should do the same any time she must classify a difficult card. This will make sure she’s not giving any one player more information that the others.
What happens if I cannot tell what an object is?
You can always ask the Visitor what an object is. However the Visitor interprets the object is the truth. If you
must know what
we think every object is, you can find the full list
You can also ask the Visitor for clarifications of objects, for example “Is this a real ship, or a toy ship?” You can ask secretly if the card is in your hand or face down, and the Visitor must answer secretly and tell the truth, but when the card is turned face up you should repeat the question aloud and share the Visitor’s answer.
I do not understand a Trust Reward or Power
- Kid draws X: the Kid draws this many cards from the object deck and adds them to her hand
- Agent reveals 1: each Agent must choose one of her face down tested cards (that have been classified as admitted or repelled) and reveal it to all players. Those cards are added to the board (or off the board) as if they were classified face up—in card spaces with the other cards.
- Visitor draws 1: the Visitor draws 1 card and adds it to her hand. This is the only time the Visitor will draw a card.
- Agent reveals 1 card each time: the same as “Agent reveals 1,” except that it happens again every time Trust increases beyond Trust 8.
- Kid may prove the Pass Rule instead of predicting cards: once Trust 2 has been reached, on each of her turns the Kid may take her entire turn and try to win by proving that she knows the Pass Rule. This is the same thing that the Agents can do at the start of the game.
- The card the Visitor classifies on her turn is face down for the Kid: on her turn the Visitor always classifies 1 card. If Trust is 0-2, she classifies that card face up for everyone to see. If Trust is 3+ she classifies the card face down for the Kid instead (shows it only to the Kid, then places it face down on or off the board appropriately, and marks it with the Kid’s card marker).
- The first card the Kid predicts on each of her turns is face down: once 4+ Trust is reached, from now on if the Kid chooses to predict cards during her turn, she hands the first card to the Visitor secretly, and says whether she thinks it will be “admitted” or “repelled.” The Visitor tells her if she’s correct, and then places the card face down on or off the board under one of the Kid’s card markers. If the Kid is correct and chooses to predict more cards, those cards are predicted face up like usual.
- Kid may prove the Pass Rule after predicting cards: once Trust is 8+, the Kid may predict cards, and then attempt to prove the Pass Rule. She may prove even if she did not predict all of the cards correctly. She also may prove immediately after reaching 8 Trust. (Example: the Kid is at 6 Trust. She predicts 2 cards correctly, then chooses to stop. She moves up 2 trust, gets the Rewards listed under each, and then immediately uses this Power to prove the Pass Rule and win.)