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Host a six course dinner party with your favorite surrealist artists and writers! Seat your guests, give them the food and the company they want, and send them home happy. That’s easier said than done, though, because these surrealists are quirky characters, and each one has different appetites to appease!
Each guest has different appetites shown on the left of their card. Your goal is to fill as many of your guests’ appetites as you can with matching tokens. When your guests are sent home from the dinner party, all of their matched tokens are collected in your Stash, and the player with the most tokens in their Stash at the end of the game wins!
Each of the six courses in the meal makes different tokens available to your guests; once those tokens are gone, the next course begins. When the final course (the Dessert Course) is over, all remaining guests are sent home from the dinner party and the game ends.
Casual: for a quick easy game, ignore guest abilities
Normal: use abilities, but do not use Faux Pas cards
Advanced: use Faux Pas and Drafting
At the end of the game, the player with the most tokens in their Stash wins!
Guests (30)
Turn Overview/Menu (1)
The Platter (1)
Faux Pas (10)
(Advanced Mode)
3s and 5s
Starting with the first player and continuing clockwise, players take turns. On your turn, you choose and take ONE of the following four actions:
Send one of your guests home, and/or Seat a guest from your hand to the table
*on your first turn you must seat a guest
Make one of your guests and their neighbor send each other Compliment or Drama tokens
Send a token from the Platter to one of your guests
Once per course: use any or all of your guests’ abilities with the Plate icon
Seat a guest from your hand to the table
Do one or both of the following things:
Choose a guest from your hand and place them in front of you on the table. You can place the guest to the left, right, or in between any of your other seated guests. You can have up to 3 guests seated at once.
You usually send a guest home later in the game, when you need to make room for a new guest. Before seating a guest, you may return one of your guests from the table to the box, and stash their matched tokens
Guests can be sent home in several ways:
Whenever one of your guests is sent home, each of the tokens on their card that matches its appetite is placed in your Stash. Tokens that do not match their appetites are returned to the Kitchen. Then return the guest card to the box.
These appetites are wilds. Any token placed on it counts as a match.
When you send a guest home, if every one of their appetites has a matched token, your guest is Perfectly Content. Choose any 2 tokens from the Kitchen and add them to your Stash (be strategic if you’re playing with Faux Pas cards).
Your guest and a neighbor get compliments or drama
Each guest always has 2 neighbors: the guest to their left and the guest to their right. Both neighbors can be your guests, but guests can often have an opponent’s guest as one of their neighbors.
Choose one of your guests with an available appetite and have them Give Compliments or Start Drama with one of their neighbors. If Giving Compliments, both your guest and the chosen neighbor receive a Compliment from the kitchen. If Starting Drama, both guests receive a drama
from the kitchen.
You can use this to send an opponent’s guest an unwanted token if they are a neighbor of one of your guests!
1. Choose one of your guests and one of their neighbors
2. Send them both a Compliment (or both a Drama)
Guests receive tokens from:
Whenever one of your guests receives a token, you immediately choose which appetite that token is placed on. If you send an opponent’s guest a token, they choose where to place it. Once a token is placed, it can’t be moved.
When your guest receives an unwanted token, you must accept and place the token even if the token doesn’t match any of the guest’s available appetites; your opponents will try to make this happen. If a guest would receive a token but all of their appetites already have tokens, that token is trashed (returned to the Kitchen).
To help everyone tell which tokens match the color of their appetites, if your token is matched, place the token design-side up. Otherwise place the token design-side down.
Give a token from the Platter to one of your guests
Take a token from the Platter and send it to one of your guests! Place the token on one of your guests’ appetites—tasty! Or trash (return to the Kitchen) a token from the Platter.
If you take the last token from the Platter, then the course is over!
See ‘Ending the Course’
Once per course: use ALL your guests’ plate abilities
Each guest has an ability that lets them help themselves or bother their neighbors. There are 3 types:
If a guest has the Plate icon in their bottom left corner, they have a Plate Ability. Once per course you may follow the instructions of ANY OR ALL of your guests’ Plate Abilities on the same turn.
You choose the order in which to use your guests’ Plate Abilities.
Example: Sophie chooses to ‘Use Plate Abilities’ for her turn. First she uses Dora Maar’s ability to send Kay Sage a Dessert from the Kitchen. Then Sophie uses Kay Sage’s ability and sends Sage 2 tokens from the Platter. Sophie can’t choose to ‘Use Plate Abilities’ again until the Platter is empty and the next course begins.
Door Abilities and Special Abilities happen when you do specific things, and do not take up your turn.
Guests with the Door icon in their bottom corner have abilities that happen when they are sent home, after stashing their matched tokens.
Guests with no icon in their bottom corner have Special Abilities that happen at specific times, as explained on the card. Be sure to read all of your guests’ abilities!
All abilities are optional. You never have to use an ability if you don’t want to.
When a player takes the last token from the Platter, the course is over at the end of their turn!
Check the Menu (below) and put the tokens for the next course onto the Platter from the kitchen:
After refilling the Platter, the game continues with the next player’s turn.
The game is over when a player takes the last token from the Platter during the Dessert Course. Do the following:
After your first few games, add these advanced rules:
During setup deal each player 2 Faux Pas cards, then:
You can claim any Faux Pas cards beside the Platter (some at the end of the game, others during the game) when you have certain tokens in your Stash. Faux Pas cards you claim increase your token total. If players are tied for a Faux Pas, they share it and both get the bonus.
During setup, after dealing guests and Faux Pas cards: