For Immediate Release
Contact: contact@resonym.com
February 4, 2021 (Hanover, NH) – Resonym announces its upcoming game Ghost Writer, coming to Kickstarter on March 16th.
Ghost Writer will be the fifth board game from Resonym’s distinguished designers Mary Flanagan and Max Seidman to come to Kickstarter. Ghost Writer will join Resonym’s ever-growing repertoire of acclaimed titles that include board games such as Monarch and Mechanica.
Ghost Writer is the 15-minute party game where players must identify a secret object using only partial clues. A clever word game that’s dripping with atmosphere and mystery, Ghost Writer puts a unique spin on the beloved word game genre. The game is quick to learn, with only a single page of instructions, but also has enough depth of strategy to keep any word gamer exercising their vocab!
About The Game
Renowned Mediums are competing to figure out a secret object and prove they can connect with the World Beyond! Players form two teams, each with 1 Spirit and up to 3 Mediums, both competing to identify the same secret object. During gameplay, Mediums will ask their Spirit a question about the secret object. The Spirit will respond by writing down a partial answer to the question. While the questions are private, Spirits must still choose their answers carefully, as all answers are public to both teams! See examples here.
“I always want our games to be enjoyed by as many types of players as possible, and Ghost Writer fits that bill perfectly!” said Mary Flanagan, Resonym’s CEO and co-designer of Ghost Writer. “Gamers and non-gamers alike are going to love this one. No matter if you play as a Medium or a Spirit from beyond, it’s all good fun giving and guessing the clues that lead to the secret object.”
The fun in Ghost Writer lies in its unique “partial clue” mechanic, where Spirits write only the first few letters of each clue to show their Mediums. “I love the way Ghost Writer makes players think about words in novel ways,” said Max Seidman, Ghost Writer‘s co-designer. “It’s not every day that you have to think about how many words start with the letters ‘COM'” To win, players in Ghost Writer must consider how few letters their teammates will need to be able to decipher a clue and eventually guess the secret object.

- Original “partial clues” mechanic encourages critical thinking
- Large folding notepad for giving clues
- 4-8 players: perfect for large or small groups
- Quick and easy to learn gameplay
- Fun and spooky aesthetic, with art and graphic design done by Spring Yu
Ghost Writer will cost $25.00 on Kickstarter. With successful support from our Kickstarter backers, Ghost Writer will fulfill to backers in August, and will be available in stores by Q4 2021.
About Resonym
Resonym is Mary Flanagan’s woman-led game publishing company. Resonym works with women artists and designers to make artistic and engaging experiences—games, stories, and more.
Ghost Writer encapsulates the Resonym team’s values of accessibility and inclusivity. The mechanics are easy to learn and teach, and the minimalist art style invites everyone to see themselves in the game! Ghost Writer‘s high player count also makes the game highly social, and the team-based structure makes it competitively cooperative. Resonym’s hope is that Ghost Writer can bring people together to engage in some light-hearted and collaberative critical thinking!
For more information about Ghost Writer, contact Max Seidman:
max@resonym.com / contact@resonym.com
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