Author: Rachel

Havana Mahoney (Vana) is an incredibly talented Twitch streamer and Youtube creator. Recently she posted an unboxing of our inductive-reasoning game, Visitor in Blackwood Grove!  It's a fun watch as well as being informative. We definitely recommend checking it out if you are curious about...

Visitor in Blackwood Grove was discussed in JonGetsGames's most recent round of monthly impressions videos. Jon describes his experience from hearing about the game and initially not being interested, to actually getting to play it and loving it! We love seeing our games surprise people...

Eric Martin, a Board Game Geek News editor, interviewed Max at the 2019 Game Manufacturers Association (GAMA) Trade Show. In the interview, Max goes over the basics of the game and also shows off the game's Augmented Reality compatibility! Watch Max's interview here....